On Giuseppe Veronese and non-Archimedean mathematics

illustration de l'événement On Giuseppe Veronese and non-Archimedean mathematics

Séance du Séminaire d'Histoire des Mathématiques de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, organisé par Sasa Popovich.


9h30 Paola Cantù (CGGG, CNRS/AMU)  Veronese’s non-Archimedean continuity

10h45 Paolo Bussotti (Univ. Studi Udine)  Giuseppe Veronese: non-Archimedean numbers and non-Archimedean geometries

12h00 Victor Pambuccian (Arizona State University) The impact of the discovery of non-Archimedean fields on fundamental aspects of the Parallel Postulate

14h45 Sasa Popovich  (Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, University of Rijeka Centre for Logic and Decision Theory) Revisiting the reception history of Veronese’s non-Archimedean geometry: Fondamenti di geometria between modernism and counter-modernism

16h00 Philip Ehrlich (University of Ohio) TBA (exposé en ligne)


Pour plus d'informations, voir https://indico.math.cnrs.fr/event/11506/contributions/